TOA with Monitor Watch

TOA’s Monitor Watch option brings online DGA monitor data to your TOA database, enabling advanced analytics on a complete DGA system of record.

Did you Know...?

Utilities, heavy industry and service companies have relied on Delta-X Research since 1992.

14 of the top 20 US utilities are Delta-X Research customers.

TOA with Monitor Watch Features

Data Set Lab Results Monitor Results
1 - 3 Gas 4 - 5 Gas 6 - 9 Gas
Transformer DGA
Normalized Energy Intensity (NEI) - ✓*
Limits-based DGA - - -
Reliability-based DGA (using reliability statistics)
Duval Triangle (using gas concentration limits) - ✓*
4-Simplex (DGA fault identification) - -
CO/CO2 (Improved transformer DGA fault identification) - -
Ancillary Equipment DGA
Normalized Energy Intensity (NEI) - - -
Limits-based DGA
Duval Triangle (using gas concentration limits) - ✓*
Transformer and Ancillary Equipment Insulating Fluid Analysis (DGA fault type ID)
FQ Analysis - - -
Moisture Analysis
Furan Analysis - - -
PCB Analysis - - -
Trace Element Analysis - - -
Particle Analysis - - -
Computed gas ratios - - -
Computed values (TDCG, THG, and estimated DP) - - -
Additional Features
Custom limits-based analysis norms
Basic Alerts (preset email notifications) - - -
Diagnostic Alerts (user-defined email notifications)
Two-step authentication
Integration Options
Lab Interface - - -
Support and Access
Dedicated Customer Support Team
User security levels
Unlimited read-only users
Unlimited ancillary equipment
Custom Data Fields


Online DGA monitor data is inherently noisy. Monitor Watch signal processing cleans the data, making it more useful for TOA’s advanced analytics. Monitor Watch also recognizes phenomena such as data spikes, monitor drift, and seasonality, which may lead to false alarms.


Quality information presented simply and conveniently makes critical decision-making easier.  And knowing the team behind the information is always available to assist provides confidence in making those hard choices.


TOA with Monitor Watch works with any online DGA monitor. Users can view their entire fleet – regardless of make or model – on a single screen.

Say goodbye to false alarms

Conventional DGA applies simple limits to online monitor data, which produces many false alarms. But with Monitor Watch and Reliability-based DGA, maintenance teams can be confident that notifications of equipment requiring additional or urgent attention are truly critical events. Monitor Watch also evaluates the quality of monitor data to detect early signs of sensor deterioration or other problems, so staff can ensure that the safeguards are working at their optimal levels.

Reliability-based DGA

Reliability-based Dissolved Gas Analysis identifies and assesses power transformer abnormalities by correlating fault gas production with transformer failures.

Who we serve

We provide accurate and timely insights into equipment like power transformers to generation, transmission and distribution utilities, and leading industrial operations around the world.


Chris Brown
Group Leader | Substations Assets
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company
"TOA4 ties directly into our CMMS Cascade which allows TOA4's condition assessment to trigger Cascade in the event of any anomalies and alert the appropriate parties to take action. TOA4's ability to access our oil records on-line and mobile is a very useful option. Delta-X Research is a great company to deal with, they listen to their customers' ideas and enhance the product continually."

Featured DGA articles

A major US utility is already using Reliability-based DGA. Find out how it helps identify and flag at-risk transformers so they can implement effective maintenance strategies.

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